The Ford Model C is a car designed by Henry Ford and produced by Ford Motor Company. It was basically a revision of Model A with a more modern appearance, and it was introduced in 1904. It featured a more powerful engine and a 6-in-length (15 cm) wheelbase. This vehicle was built at the famous Ford Piquette Avenue Plant and it was the entry-level car in the Ford model lineup, ranking just below the classy Model B.
Ford Model C – Overview
Not a lot of persons know this but the Models A and C were produced at the same time, and the Model A could also be purchased with the Model C engine. It was called the AC option, cool right? The Model C engine was an opposing twin. Initially produced with 8 hp (6 kW) and 10 hp (7 kW) at 1905, with a reported maximum speed of 38 mph (61 km/h). This classic was available in black and red colors.
The Model C two-seater was sold as a “doctor’s car” and sold for $850. Though the Model C had a distended front box like a modern car as compared to the Model A, it was simply an aesthetic feature.
The two-cylinder engine stayed under the seat while the fuel tank and radiator were underneath the hood. Model C was the first car to be assembled in the Ford Motor Company of Canada.
This classic vehicle was made available in two different body styles which includes a rear-entry 4-seat tonneau and a 2-seat runabout. It had a total weight of 1,250 lb (567 kg) with a 2-speed planetary transmission system.
Ford Model C – Production
In a not so successful time in the market, the Ford Model C had a total of 800 units sold between 1904 and 1905 with production coming to a close in 1905. It was replaced with the Model F in 1905.
Ford Model C – Price Range
Though the Model C wasn’t a market hit during its time, it can still command a good price in various auctions today as it could cost as much as $50,000 to obtain one.
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